Press Releases

CU*Answers Risk Management Tool – Free to All!

As part of its recent CEO Strategies Week, 100% credit union-owned CUSO, CU*Answers, reiterated how dozens of credit unions nationally were already utilizing its previously developed Risk Management Report Generator tool, provided free to any credit union requiring this type of resource. A spokesperson for CU*Answers added how Third Party Risk Assessments are time consuming, […]

CU*Answers Introduces Network Compliance Teacher

AuditLink, a division CU*Answers Management Services, has published its first addition of the Network Compliance Teacher. The magazine is a collaborative effort of CU*Answers and the compliance professionals of their credit union clients. Collectively they determine a theme, author the articles, and publish the magazine to all CU*Answers clients free of charge. “The articles […]

CU*Answers Provides AuditLink Update

Grand Rapids, MI – July 26th, 2011 CU*Answers Management Services – a subsidiary of CU*Answers, recently announced that since its AuditLink service started in mid-2008, its services to credit unions had expanded and has provided combined services to several dozen credit unions in the areas of audit and compliance. The AuditLink team stated […]

Lender*VP Collections Roundtable Schedule

The Lender*VP team of CU*Answers has announced that it will be hosting a Collection Roundtable Event on Wednesday, May 25th, from 9:30am  – 12:00 as well as again from 1:30 – 4:30. Held at the CU*Answers offices in Grand Rapids, Michigan, the Collections Roundtable is an open forum discussion on collections laws, internal procedures and […]

Web Conference Scheduled Highlighting Risk Management Tool

CU*Answers, the West Michigan-based CUSO known for providing CU*BASE core data processing and other services, will be hosting a Web Conference to unveil new features of its Risk Management Report Generator on February 11. According to CU*Answers, the Risk Management Report Generator is an online tool that facilitates Due Diligence, Risk Management Planning & Monitoring […]

AuditLink to offer Concentration Risk Services

AuditLink, a division of CU*Answers, the Michigan core data processing CUSO known for providing CU*BASE, has announced a new offering to assist credit unions in complying with recently published concentration risk monitoring requirements. NCUA Letter 10-CU-03 requires credit unions to manage concentration risk and defend their capital position with respect to segmentation development in […]

AuditLink Community Growing Rapidly

AuditLink, a compliance and audit process division of CU*Answers, has recently announced its community is 25 credit unions strong. According to the CUSO, the service has far exceeded original expectations of contracting for 20 credit unions in its first two years. Now 25 credit unions strong, it is expected that AuditLink will be […]

Compliance Monitoring Service Adds New Clients

Xtend Inc. a multi-owned cooperative CUSO headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan, has seen its AuditLink back office compliance monitoring service grow from eight clients at the beginning of the year to a total of eighteen. The CUSO reports that the service is used by credit unions in seven states and ranging in size from […]

CU*Answers Offers FREE Tool to Assist Credit Unions in Completing Due Diligence Requirements

CU*Answers announces the roll-out of a new service to help clients complete third party due diligence on CU*Answers and partners involved with the network. The “Risk Management Report Generator” is a new Internet-based product which allows CU*Answers, Xtend, AuditLink, WESCO Net, and Lender*VP clients to complete their due diligence on services and products […]