Your Ultimate MLA Guide

NEW! MLA Workflow Document for Lenders

We are proud to present a new document that will assist your lending staff in processing loans that must adhere to the guidelines of the Military Lending Act. This must-read document was created in cooperation with a number of credit unions who provided valuable input to help loan staff understand the process in booking MLA loans. This invaluable booklet describes the MLA workflow, including which loans are covered and which are not, an oral disclosure when booking a MLA loan, as well as instructions to use CU*BASE to work with MAPR and credit insurance on these specialty type loans. Get Your Copy Today

MLA Compliance Webinar

Join us for a free webinar on Tuesday, November 22 from 2:30 – 3:30 PM ET to learn how to process loans that fall under the Military Lending Act. This webinar will include knowledge from both the Lender*VP and AuditLink teams – you don’t want to miss this! No need to register, simply join the webinar a few minutes before it begins. Join the Webinar

MLA Champions, We Need You!

For the next 90 days, we need your feedback! How often are you serving a member of the military? Do you have programs focused on serving this community? Are your examiners asking about your awareness and execution? What can we do better to help you utilize your options? Your input will help us decide how to invest in future enhancements, and how we can best serve these communities with the next phase of development. What should be next on our plate as it relates to MLA? We welcome any and all comments! Give Feedback!

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